Adorned with delicate shells, Shelley creates a whimsical underwater scene that captivates the imagination. The vivid...
Adorned with delicate shells, Shelley creates a whimsical underwater scene that captivates the imagination. The vivid colours and intricate details invite your little one to explore the wonders of the sea. Featuring bright corals, this enchanting mobile showcases a charming seahorse, a playful dolphin, and a graceful stingray, all beautifully crafted from soft, high-quality fabrics. Hoop diameter: 24cm. Theme size: 10 - 15сm Length from top hook to the bottom piece: 40 - 45cm
Made with love
You are in luck this style is in stock ready to be posted xx (Please note all products are hand-made with love and will arrive within 4-6 weeks.)
Please Note
Mobiles should be only use for decoration! It is not a toy! Mobiles should be securely hang out of reach of children!
This baby mobile has a loop at the top and can hang from a hook in the ceiling or from a crib arm attachment. Blisscrib arms are sold separately.